Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Parenting Philosophies #2

Good morning, MH.

One of my favorite blogs, McSweeney's,  serves up a perfectly snarky sort of article on strangers giving parenting advice, written by Wendy Molyneux:

"Yes, he IS crying, isn’t he? You are right. He’s probably hungry. Should I feed him? And if so, where do I put the food? His eyeball? His butt? What kinds of cuts of meat do babies like? Should I not give him hot peppers? How much salt is too much, and when can I expect him to use a knife? If he spits up, should I have him put to sleep? There are just so many things I need to know, and that is why I rely on total strangers like you who happen to be experts on child care."

Read the rest . . .

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