Friday, July 20, 2012

Fruits and Veggies

Good morning, Maybe Hazel.

According to the bump, you're transitioning from cucumber- to pineapple-sized proportions. Certainly, it feels that way! And speaking of fruits and veggies, it seems to me that if my body were in desperate need of certain nutrients, then I would have insatiable cravings for, say, a heaping helping of steamed broccoli. Ummm. No, thanks. But I would love me some french fries, followed by some chocolate stuffed with caramel. Maybe a handful of gummy bears for dessert.

I'm trying to eat well. I would say that I generally eat better than a lot of folks, but I have my weaknesses (currently: chocolate in its many incarnations, fries, ice cream). And I have my aversions (currently, any leftover that's been in the fridge, popcorn, fish).

What I'm trying to do is bring up my vitamin D and my iron levels. My midwife would like my D levels to be at 30, and I've brought them from a "9" to a "25," so, getting there. My iron levels actually dipped lower than they were a few months ago. Pretty sure I've always had anemia issues, and those issues started their rearing lame-sauce, weak-blooded heads when I was training for half marathons. It was recommended that I start taking Floradix and adding in some extra protein calories in the form of a green shake.
The green shake was a bust. It was only after I had a shake (a shake that tasted suspiciously like I imagined hay blended with grass might taste) that I thought to look more carefully at the ingredients. Among the hundreds of things on the "Don't You Dare Eat That" list: ginseng and licorice. Go figure. The Floradix isn't so bad. Reminds me of some taste from my childhood. 

Getting my D levels right will (hopefully, fingers and toes crossed!) make it easier to give birth to you. Getting my iron levels right will (hopefully, fingers and toes crossed!) make it possible for me to have the energy to keep up with you. 

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