Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Good morning, MH!

I've developed a bit of queasiness in this third trimester. There are, however, a couple of cravings I've had throughout that never seem to have waned, despite the current (in)stability of my stomach. I'm pretty sure you'll be curious about my cravings at some point. I know it's a question that me and my siblings still ask my mom. "What did you crave when you were pregnant with me?" I never seem to remember the answer, but maybe it's because I love hearing my mom talk about it again and again.

My top 3:

1. Eggs. I've been lucky enough to benefit from our school chickens, and the yolks from those eggs . . . yummy. Creamy, buttery goodness. I prefer a soft-boiled treatment so that I fully can appreciate the yolk--by far the best part. Soft-boiled eggs with a couple pieces of buttered toast (sometimes with a little strawberry jam on the second slice) have been my comfort food since I was a little girl.

2. Watermelon. I get the little personal-size, seedless melons, cut them in half, devour one piece with a spoon, and save the second half for the next day. Refreshing, especially with the awful heat of Phoenix summer.

3. Ghirardelli Milk & Caramel. I'm usually a dark-chocolate girl, but this stuff . . . heaven. There's three servings (I think) in a bar, but I admit that when this candy is in my grubby hands,  it's usually gone in about a half hour.

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