Monday, August 27, 2012

Magic Monday: Blue Moons

Good morning, dearest. Here we are, at the start of week 36. Are you feeling the desire to make your appearance soon? It is a blue moon this Friday.

(photo by Revera, Creative Commons) Both holy and insane?

Sometimes people will say, "It  happens once in a blue moon," and that's because a blue moon is a rare thing. All it means, though, is that we have another full moon this month (so it's a calendar blue moon, and not a seasonal one), right on the edge of our transition from summer into autumn. But, is that all it means, really? The moon makes folks feel religious, crazy, superstitious--magical. Even Neil Armstrong, who just passed away, said that, "I think we're going to the moon because it's in the nature of the human being to face challenges. It's by the nature of his deep inner soul ... we're required to do these things just as salmon swim upstream." The moon is a part of our souls.

Because the moon is cyclical, it's often associated with women. Women are all about the cycle, right? Almost every culture has some sort of goddess (some have multiple) associated with the moon.
Diana not only governs hunting and the moon, but birthin' babies, too!
The science says that even though people think more babies are born on the full moon, that it just ain't so. I love science, but sometimes it really sucks the fun out of stuff. The magic part goes that if we're mostly water, and the moon can control the tides, the moon should definitely have an influence on our bodies, right? So, if you decide to make your appearance this weekend, then we'll chalk it up to Diana. And if you wait a couple more weeks, we'll chalk one up for the scientists. Either way, magic wins, because you'll be in my arms.

"And then there suddenly appeared before me/The only one my arms will ever hold." Although Ella doesn't seem to like this version, I like the playfulness.

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